The user is found difficulty to find the Netgear AC1200 extender. His query is that the extender is connects to the router, (status shown through the lights), but phone and other devices didn’t show any connection. Here, you will get to know the solutions to fix the Netgear AC1200 extender not working with no indication of the issue.
- Not configure well while Netgear AC1200 setup.
- WPS connection fails to connect the router with extender.
- Extender is power on at the non-optimal location.
Now, have a close look at the solutions of the AC1200 extender not working with no indication of the issue.
Configure Extender Again
You should configure the extender again to solve the problem. There are simple steps to do that. Have a look:
- Open browser in your connected computer.
- Search URL or IP address
- You will reach to the GUI login page, enter the credentials.
- Access the interface and adjust settings according to area of the house.
Reboot Whole Network
User mentioned that he already uses rebooting the extender tip, but try rebooting whole network. Reboot the extender as well as the router. The procedure is simple, just turn the device off or on once. Plug out and plug extender into the wall socket to restart the extender. Press the power button twice to restart the router.
Replace to Optimal Spot
The electromagnetic waves can interrupt the signals of any networking device. The extender can be plugged in or powered on close to the electronic device. So, make sure that your extender is plugged at the optimal location in your house and in the range of the router signals.
Use Cable for Connection
Check WPS connection is connected or not, if not, then use a pair of the Ethernet cable to connect the router and extender. Just plug the cable end to the extender Ethernet port and router LAN port. After that you can turn it on.
Reset the Extender
The reset process must be the last option to solve the technical problem. The process will clear out all adjusted settings and previous data. To reset the device, you have to press and hold the Reset button on the extender using a sharp object. After few minutes, the process ends and you have to configure the device via or mywifiext.local or
End Conclusion
From the above solutions, hope you have fixed the problem ‘Netgear AC1200 extender not working with no indication of the issue’.