Is Your WiFi Extender Blocking Websites? Let’s Fix It!

WiFi extenders are meant to pick signals provided by the router and then amplify them to improve the network range. But, what’s the point of installing a range extender when it keeps blocking sites that you want to visit? So, is your WiFi extender blocking websites in real? Let’s figure it out with the help of the information given in the blog. To make it easy for you to understand the concept, we have taken the example of a Netgear extender. Go on reading.

Is Netgear Extender Actually Blocking Websites?

Open a web browser on a computer connected to the Netgear_EXT network and go to a website of your wish. Are you getting an error message? Now, let’s see if the site is inaccessible on a device connected to the Netgear extender. For this, we recommend you disconnect the computer from Netgear extender and connect it to a random WiFi network. Try to access the same site on the browser now and see if you are lucky this time. If you are, all you have to do is pay heed to the troubleshooting techniques given ahead.

In case, the site is still not reachable, we recommend you refresh the web browser tab and clear its cache and cookies. You can also try disabling ad-blockers on the browser in use.

How to Stop WiFi Blocking Websites?

Upgrade the Extender’s Firmware

A firmware update to the range extender can work like a magic. There is a high possibility that a pending firmware update is creating all this mess. Thus, you should access on a computer and look if the extender needs a firmware update. If it does, then follow the wizard’s on-screen prompts and let your extender flaunt the latest firmware version. Now, you are free to access the website that was not working previously. Is it functioning now? No? Read the next tip then.


Restart the Extender

Try the ancient technique of restarting. Pull the extender out of its power outlet and power it down. Wait and let the extender gain control over glitches. After a few minutes are over, you can again connect the extender to its outlet and switch it on. This time, you might succeed to go to the website you want.

Check the Main Router’s Settings

No WiFi extender from Netgear extender is actual capable of blocking websites. It is only possible, if you have denied access to the same website from the root router’s GUI. If you have a Netgear router installed, then the process is quite simple. Unblock the website from Netgear Armor by accessing the MyNetgear portal. However, you need to go to the web based GUI in case you own a router from another brand. We also recommend you check with your ISP in case he’s preventing access to the site due to security reasons.

The Final Words

Numerous reasons are there due to which WiFi extender is blocking websites. Hopefully, you have successfully learned how to unblock websites. But, before you reach a conclusion, it is suggested that you temporarily disable the antivirus program on your PC and install the latest version of the web browser. Using another web browser can also help you out. And yes, do not forget to access the site on another device to check if you are successful or not. Lastly, you can reset the extender and set it up from scratch if nothing works for you.

Disclaimer: is completely an autonomous service provider for range extenders along with similar devices. All the brand names, products, trademarks and services used on our website are for referential purpose only and we hereby declare that we do not own any product that we provide. Our services are provided only on demand by users.